Emily O’BRIEN (WA)

Emily O'Brien’s recent works focus on developing awareness around Autism Spectrum Disorder and mental health issues and how these affect people. Using dance to tell her story about overcoming her struggles with bullying, depression and issues that used to plague her mind.

Introduced to the performing arts in 2014 by one of her Education Assistants, she was invited to audition for a local production called “Let’s Shine”. The production involved performance activities and workshops for people with a disability, members of her local community and collaborations with other performing groups. Emily has pursued a career in performance ever since.

In 2017 and 2019 performance company, Breaksea invited Emily to co-choreograph a piece for their production, View from The Magpies Nest. Following this she was invited to choreograph for two more productions for Breaksea.

In 2023, Emily expressed interest to a mentor that she wanted to make a dance depicting her struggles with depression, anxiety and Autism. Not satisfied with how the media portrayed these, she decided to show her experience and her story and assert a comfort in her identity.

Emily is supported partner organisation by DADAA https://www.dadaa.org.au